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keluarga köprülü bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "keluarga köprülü"
  • köprülü family
  • During the Köprülü Era (1656–1703), effective control of the Empire was exercised by a sequence of Grand Viziers from the Köprülü family.
    Selama Era Köprülü (1656–1703), pemerintahan efektif dijalankan oleh sejumlah Wazir Agung dari keluarga Köprülü.
  • The Köprülüs were generally skilled administrators, and are credited with reviving the empire's fortunes after a period of military defeat and economic instability.
    Wazir agung dari keluarga Köprülü dianggap sebagai negarawan yang ulung dan dianggap berjasa dalam memulihkan kejayaan kesultanan selepas periode kekalahan militer dan ketidakstabilan ekonomi.
  • Another notable member of the family was Köprülü Abdullah Pasha (1684–1735), who was a general in Ottoman-Persian wars of his time and acted as the governor in several provinces of the empire.
    Anggota keluarga Köprülü lain yang penting adalah Köprülü Abdullah Pasha (1684–1735), yang merupakan seorang jenderal pada masa peperangan Utsmaniyah-Persia dan juga seorang gubernur di beberapa provinsi.
  • The Köprülü era is sometimes more narrowly defined as the period from 1656-1683, as it was during those years that members of the family held the office of grand vizier uninterruptedly, while for the remainder of the period they occupied it only sporadically.
    Era Köprülü kadang-kadang dianggap berlangsung dari tahun 1656 hingga 1683, karena pada tahun-tahun tersebut anggota keluarga Köprülü memegang jabatan wazir agung secara terus menerus, sementara untuk periode berikutnya jabatan tersebut hanya dipegang pada masa tertentu.